Nicos Savva

Nicos Savva

Professor, Management Science and Operations

London Business School

Regent's Park, London NW1 4SA, UK


Phone: +44 (0) 207 000 8826

About Me

I'm a Professor of Management Science and Operations at London Business School, where I focus on applying data science to improve healthcare and business operations. My background in physics, finance, and management science from the University of Cambridge has shaped my approach to tackling complex organizational challenges.

My research explores how we can use data science, econometrics, and economic modeling to improve our understanding and enhance decision-making in healthcare delivery and operational management. I strive to integrate these methodologies to address real-world problems and generate actionable insights. My research has appeared in the journals Management Science, MSOM, POM, and others. I am a Department Editor of Management Science and have held Associate Editor positions at Management Science, MSOM, and POM.

In my teaching, I focus on Statistics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and Healthcare Management. I'm continually seeking opportunities to leverage my research to create more effective and relevant learning experiences for my students. Additionally, I work with executives to help them navigate the evolving landscape of business analytics, data science, and Generative AI, aiming to bridge the gap between academic advancements and practical business applications.

Working Papers and Journal Publications

Non-technical Research Briefs/Opinion Pieces